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在泰國母親節這一特別的日子,泰國文化協會的義工們走上街頭,將鮮花束送到香港的泰國母親手中,為她們送上節日的祝福與感謝。 專為泰國母親的花語活動 泰國母親節不僅是尊崇和感謝母親的日子,更是我們展示泰國文化溫馨的一面。我們的義工在九龍城各處,尋找那些偉大的泰國母親,將鮮花束及物資現金卷和滿滿的祝福,傳遞給她們。 當天的溫馨場面、甜美的微笑,都被我們細心記錄。歡迎點擊相冊,一同回味那無與倫比的感動! 我們衷心感謝每位參與的義工和捐助給協會活動的會員及朋友。希望這些小小的花朵,可以為在異地的泰國母親們帶來家鄉的溫暖,並深化我們在香港與各位的情誼。 期待下次再與大家相見,繼續分享泰國的文化與溫情! #泰國文化協會 #泰國母親節 #九龍城派花 #感謝偉大的母親 #文化交流

【Celebrating Thailand Mother's Day Kowloon City's Symphony of Flowers】 On this special day of Thailand Mother's Day, volunteers from the Thai Cultural Association took to the streets to deliver bouquets to Thai mothers in Hong Kong, offering them festive blessings and gratitude. A special floral event for Thai mothers Thailand Mother's Day is not only a day to honor and thank mothers, but also to showcase the warm side of Thai culture. Our volunteers in Kowloon City sought out those remarkable Thai mothers to deliver bouquets, supplies, cash vouchers, and abundant blessings. The heartwarming scenes and sweet smiles of the day were meticulously captured by us. Feel free to click on the album to reminisce about the unparalleled emotions! We sincerely thank each participating volunteer and friends who supported our event. We hope these small blossoms can bring a touch of home warmth to Thai mothers living abroad and deepen our bonds with everyone in Hong Kong. We look forward to seeing everyone again and continuing to share the culture and warmth of Thailand! #ThaiCulturalAssociation #ThailandMothersDay #KowloonCityFlowerDelivery #ThankingGreatMothers #CulturalExchange

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