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基礎泰語班 冬季基礎泰語班 (還有少量位)

Writer's picture: TCAHKTCAHK

基礎泰語班 冬季基礎泰語班 (還有少量位) 每个星期一 1830-2030 預計開始日期:2021年 1 月 18日

*一班大概 20人 *學費2,980HKD /共15講,30小時 (每講2小時)(包括兩個考試,同學必須通過兩個考試才可以讀進) *截止日期:額滿即止,如人數不夠開班開學順延。 *以廣東話上課 *上課地點: 泰國文化協會 泰國文化交換與學習中心(佐敦) *面授課程,但疫情嚴重時會轉zoom *老師資格:超過十五年教泰語經驗,大學前講師。 Chulalongkorn University和香港大學畢業。 *內容以全面認識泰語為目標。包括聽,講,寫,讀 平均分配。 課題包括自我介紹,購物,交通工具,問路,點菜等等。 *已包括課本。 *包含兩個考試:期中和期末考試 (如不能考試請勿報名)。 *證書是由泰國文化協會發出,泰國文化部監管課程。 *默認學費一次付清。 *任何情況下費用不得退還,轉讓,改班和轉時間。不設補課。 *香港泰國文化協會有限公司保留取消或者縮短學生人數較少的 課程或工作坊的權利。 *如課堂受社會活動,瘟疫或者其他情況影響不能正常上課, 課堂可能被轉到網上授課。網上上課軟件包括Zoom,Microsoft Teams, Google class 等等。 *如上課當天有 8 號風球、黑雨、老師請假課堂將會順延,我們會發email或短信通知學生。 *每個級別需要時間約5-6個月。 *我們基本泰語班共有六級。學員必須符合我們的要求才能升班。内容在第一課堂上解釋。 *請看清楚加有内容部分, 如不能接受/有疑問,請勿報名。 ****報名已先到先得,交學費為准****** 如想報名,請PM留低以下資料: 1. 中文姓名 (i.e. 陳大文 Chan Tai Man) 2. 英文姓名 (i.e. Stephen, Wendy) 3. 電話 4. 電郵 New Thai I Class (Basic Level) Every Monday 1830-2030 pm Estimated start date: 18th January 2021 *Class size approximately 20 *Fee HKD 2,980 /15 classes (30 hours,2 hours per class) (2 exams included, student must pass both exams to receive our certificate) *Closing date: while the quota is full, if the number of students is not enough, the start of the class will be postponed *Address: Jordan Centre : 2201-2202 Ocean Building *This is not an online course, class will be taught via Zoom when the number of local COVID-19 cases reaches a certain level (for more detail, please contact staff). *Teacher’s Qualification: MA, Chulalongkorn University and The University of Hong Kong. Native speaker of Thai, Cantonese, and English. Over 15 years of Thai language teaching experience. *all round intensive approach to learn Thai language. Inclusive of listening, speaking, writing, and reading. Topics include self-introduction, shopping, asking for directions, ordering, etc. *inclusive of text book *two compulsory exam; mid-term and final exam (do not enroll if you cannot take the exams) *certificate issue by TCAHK, class supervised by the Thai Cultural Council of Hong Kong. *taught in Cantonese *agree with one time off payment method *all payment to TCAHK are non-refundable, non-transferable, and cannot transfer to other classes. No replacement of class available. *Thai Culture Association of Hong Kong Limited reserves the right to cancel a class or workshop with fewer students registered than required as a minimum. Thai Culture Association of Hong Kong Limited reserves the right to group classes or reduce the number of hours/length or the course to allow it to be held. For example, With 50% attendance students: 80% of hours, of hours originally scheduled, etc. *In case class is affected by social activities, plague or other circumstances, the classroom may be transferred to online teaching. Online class software includes Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google class, etc. *Class will be postponed in case of No. 8 typhoon, black rain, teacher taking leave. We will send an email or SMS to inform students. *Duration of each level is around 5-6 months. *There are total six levels of our Basic Thai language class. Student must meet our criteria to progress to other levels. The content is explained in the first class. *Please pay attention to the detail mark with *, please do not apply if cannot accept or have doubt about any of the details. ***Application based on first come first served (according to payment). Class may be full for late application.***** For registration, please PM us the following information 1. Chinese Name 2. English Name 3.Telephone Number 4.Email

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