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Writer's picture: TCAHKTCAHK

上週六,我們泰國文化協會的義工隊為動物義工貓狗之家做義工。 在那裡,我們的義工不只是進行了觀摩學習,更是親身實踐了對生命的愛與關懷。他們幫助收容所負責人進行了一系列的勞動,包括為狗場入沙袋、修剪野生植物、清理枯木和掃地,為防止雨季帶來的困擾做好充分的準備。他們還為收容所補充了清潔劑,並為有問題的光管進行了更換。最後,在會長和副會長的領導下更親手為狗狗們洗澡,讓他們能夠在清爽舒適的環境中度過每一天。 在這次活動中,我們也了解到了收容所的困難和需要。他們每月需要支付高昂的租金、水電費以及動物醫療費用,同時由於不少狗狗年紀偏大,領養的人數也呈下降趨勢。因此,我們更應該讓更多有心人知道他們的存在,讓他們得到更多的捐贈和支援。 為此,我們同時在班中收集了同學們的善款共$5,778給負責人,並表示將在未來的義工活動中繼續為收容所出一分力。我們的善舉獲得了收容所負責人的高度肯定和感激。 感謝泰國駐香港領事館的全力支持,以及所有參與這次活動的會員們。讓我們一起用愛守護每一個生命,讓愛的力量在世界上傳播開來。

Manifestation of Love: A Date with Dogs and Cats Organized by the Thai Consulate in Hong Kong in Collaboration with the Hong Kong Thai Cultural Association Last Saturday, our volunteer team from the Thai Cultural Association volunteered at the Animal Volunteer Dog and Cat Home. At the shelter, our volunteers not only observed and learned but also practiced love and care for life firsthand. They assisted the shelter's manager with a series of tasks, including filling sandbags for the dog area, trimming wild plants, clearing deadwood, and sweeping to prepare for potential challenges brought by the rainy season. They also replenished the shelter's cleaning supplies and replaced problematic fluorescent tubes. Lastly, under the guidance of the president and vice president, they personally bathed one of the dogs. During this event, we also came to understand the difficulties and needs of the shelter. They have to pay high monthly rents, utility bills, and animal medical expenses. Moreover, due to many dogs being older, the number of adoptees is on the decline. Therefore, we should let more kind-hearted people know about their existence, enabling them to receive more donations and support. For this purpose, we gathered donations from our students and member amounting to $5,778 for the manager and stated that we will continue to contribute to the shelter in future volunteer activities. Our good deeds were highly acknowledged and appreciated by the person in charge of the shelter. We are grateful for the full support of the Thai Consulate in Hong Kong and all the members who participated in this event. Let's together use love to protect every life and spread the power of love around the world. #ThaiCulturalAssociation #PowerOfLove #AnimalCare #AnimalVolunteerDogAndCatHome #泰國文化協會 #愛的力量 #動物關懷 #動物義工貓狗之家

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