วันมาฆบูชา (wan maa-ká-buu-chaa) Makha Bucha Day 萬佛節
萬佛節是泰國的三個最重要的佛教節日之一,它標誌著佛祖在印度北部王舍城附近的Veḷuvana竹林悟道之後十個月發生的四個吉祥事件。以下為那四大神奇事件的發生: 1. 當晚有1250門徒在沒有被傳喚之下來見佛陀。 2. 他們全都是被感召的人,並全部由佛陀出家。
3. 佛陀給予他的門徒傳授佛教的教義,叫做「ovadapatimokha」,包括:遠離所有邪惡、只行善、淨化人的心靈。在泰國,這稱為「佛教的核心」。
4. 這是滿月日。 泰國萬佛節的活動 1. 在萬佛節的月圓夜,泰國各寺廟都會舉行燭光巡遊,稱為เวียนเทียน (wian tian)(เวียน是圍繞一圈的意思;เทียน (是蠟燭的意思)。僧侶們手捧鮮花、香燭和點燃的蠟燭,圍繞พระอุโบสถ (prá u-boo-sòt)(協調廳)順時針走三圈,每次分別代表以下每個三寶:佛陀、佛法和釋迦。 2. ทำบุญ (tham bun): 往寺廟參與特別的紀念活動或法事,以化緣累積陰德。 3. รับศีล (rap sin):遵守五戒,學習放下:遵守八關齋戒、冥想和靈修、留在寺廟、身穿白袍,維持數天。
泰國大約150年前,拉瑪四世國王在位期間開始慶祝萬佛節。拉瑪四世國王覺得佛教教義是非常重要的,認識萬佛節是佛教史上最引人注目的事件之一。 因此陛下與他的王室成員和大臣舉行第一次慶祝萬佛節的活動,而慶祝活動很快也在平民間變得普及。
มาฆบูชา Makha Bucha day or Māgha Pūjā day is one of the three most important Buddhist holidays in Thailand. It marks the four auspicious occasions occurring at the Veḷuvana bamboo grove, near Rājagaha in northern India ten months after the enlightenment of the Buddha. On that occasion, as recorded in the commentary to the Mahāsamayasutta, DN-Comm 20) four marvelous events occurred:
1. 1,250 disciples came to see the Buddha that evening without being summoned. 2. All of them were Arhantas, Enlightened Ones, and all were ordained by the Buddha himself. 3. The Buddha gave those Arhantas the principles of Buddhism, called "The ovadapatimokha". Those principles are: to cease from all evil; to do what is good; and to cleanse one's mind. In Thailand, this teaching has been dubbed the "heart of Buddhism". 4. It was the full-moon day. Activities in Thailand on Makha Bucha Day 1. On the evening of Magha full-moon day, each temple in Thailand holds a candlelight procession called a เวียนเทียน (wian tian) (เวียน wian meaning to circle around; เทียน tian meaning candle). Holding flowers, incense and a lighted candle, the monks and congregation members circumambulate clockwise three times around the พระอุโบสถ phra ubosot (ordination hall), once for each of the Three Jewels: the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. 2. ทำบุญ (tham bun): Making merit by going to temples for special observances and join in the other Buddhist activities. 1. รับศีล (rap sin): Keeping the Five Precepts. Practice of renunciation: Observe the Eight Precepts, practice of meditation and mental discipline, stay in the temple, wearing white robes, for a number of days. Thailand started celebrating Makha Bucha Day during the reign of King Rama IV, around 150 years ago. King Rama IV felt that Buddhist teachings were very important, recognising that Makha Bucha was one of the most remarkable events in Buddhist history. His Majesty therefore introduced the first celebration of Makha Bucha Day to his royal family members and courtiers. The celebration soon gained popularity among Siamese commoners.
